


Plastic Beads, Webbing


130 x 4 cm




“Procrastination” is an embroidered to-do list that documents the artist’s current everyday life. There are multi- ple beaded frames on the transparent webbing, each frame is a beaded image of the tasks or the scenes that the artist has to do or has been doing everyday at this unprecedented time.

The word “Procrastination” is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. In this work, Pei-Chi looks at how critical society looks at the act of procrastination and questions how the urban landscape today focuses too much on consumerism. Thus, she turns the time-consuming making process into a protest against productivity.

Living in an era where everything is consumed digitally in hyper speed, we rarely experience rest or real down- time. The goal of this piece is to offer a chance to slow down and digest our feelings in a more considered place. Letting the mind wander, those moments when you are apparently doing nothing, it's like scribbling in the margins of the notes, a space emancipated from structure and rules, and these moments are important and crucial.

Procrastination is not necessarily bad, it may waste a little bit of your time, but that’s okay